Jorge Bosch, author

The Story

At several times in my life, I started several novels and scripts but never finished them because I lacked inspiration and commitment. But this time, it was different. I wrote DEAR GOSEI during the pandemic. I was isolated at home, like everyone else. I got anxious and felt awkward due to the lack of social contact so I started writing as a form of liberation, and inspiration came to me. 

Readers will immediately relate to some of the protagonist’s troubles depicted in the book. John Forrester has doubts about his sexual identity as he becomes a young adult; the sibling rivalry will be challenging; the toxic family, overpowered by religion; well-kept family secrets that linger through the years; a failed career and last but not least his fight to overcome depression after a tragic teenage trauma.
DEAR GOSEI includes references to immigration and integration. This is because even in the context of a wealthy family like the one described in the book, it plays a pivotal role in the modern-day USA. Japanese culture and ancestry in America also appear in the background of the story. There is a direct reference to the events in the detention centers for Japanese-Americans during WWII in Manzanar, California.

 The novel brings a fresh perspective on coming of age and accepting sexuality, but it is far from the typical coming-out-of-the-closet book. It has a lot more to do with a human being fighting to know the truth about his past and trying to understand convoluted family dynamics distorted by religion and social rules. It is a tough, edgy topic, treated with empathy and sensitivity.