Jorge Bosch, author

About the author

Born and raised in Barcelona, Spain, in a typical large Catholic family, traditional but tolerant. My primary education was in a Jesuit school which shaped the way I see the world even now. I am an incurable reader and I am passionate about movies, swimming, and learning new languages. I graduated in Journalism and Communication from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. I have an MS in Broadcasting and Communication Management from Boston University. I have started at least 5 novels or film scripts but DEAR GOSEI is my first book. I worked briefly as a journalist on Catalan television (TV3) and German foreign radio (Deutsche Welle). In 2000, I founded the first online-only LGBTQ bookstore in Spain. However, I have spent the vast majority of my professional life in film post-production and distribution. A few years ago, I relocated to Los Angeles, USA with my life partner where I live happily now.

jorge bosch